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Vermont Parking Info
Mile Marker | Directions, Comments, Source, Map Link, and Year Last Reviewed | Number of Vehicles |
0.00 miles Connecticut River |
The official north end of this section is at the west end (VT side) of the VT 10A bridge across the Connecticut River near Hanover, NH. This point may be reached by taking Exit 13 off I-91 and going east towards Hanover about 0.2-0.3 miles. There does not appear to be any parking in the immediate area. There is a parking area on the north side of the road on the east side of the bridge, but this appears to mostly if not entirely reserved for Dartmouth College permit parking. The placement of the sign makes it unclear if the whole area is included or not. --- Closest parking is probably somewhere in Hanover. See comments for NH Section 9. Mile 18.1. A lot of good parking info. is in Long Trail Guide. Contact the Green Mountain Clu 12/18/20 --- David Cullen ---… --- |
1.00 miles Junction US 5/ Elm St. |
From I-81, Exit 13, go west on VT 10A towards Norwich. This soon joins US 5 which also called Main St. in Norwich. The AT follows this road. The road bears north. In 0.5 miles from the freeway, the southbound trail goes left (west) on Elm St. There is a small park with a gazebo on the right. There is some parking in the area of this intersection, primarily on-street parking. --- The street view to the south shows the view south along Main St./ VT 10A. The view to the west shows the view west along Elm Street.5/14/20 --- David Cullen ---… --- |
Several on-street parking spaces |
1.80 miles Elm Street Trailhead |
See Mile 1.0 for directions to the intersection of US 5 and Elm St. in Norwich. Follow Elm Street west for about 0.8 miles. This AT also follows Elm St. here. The southbound trail goes left into the woods a short distance west of the intersection with Hickory Ridge Road. There is small parking area here. The green arrow marks this point. Contrary to what the attached map shows, Elm Street does extend this far, ending a short distance further west. --- Update (June 2012) Recent repaving of Elm St. has rendered this point useless for parking. There is a sharp drop-off from the pavement to the dirt shoulder. There are also posts with reflectors on them lining the side of the road. These further block access to the pull-off. See pictures. 5/14/20 Read other entry for updated information. 12/18/20 --- David Cullen ---… --- |
a few maybe probably better as a drop off or pickup spot. |
1.80 miles Elm Street Trailhead |
At trailhead on 8/16/20, markers are no longer blocking ability to park, however, it is a steep angle right where trail exits onto road. There is space for an additional 2-3 cars a little further up where it is flatter. 08/25/20 --- Suzanne --- |
3-4 |
5.10 miles Tucker Trail |
See Mile 1.0 for directions to the intersection of Main St. (US 5) and Elm St. in Norwich. Continue north on Main Street. Go left on Beaver Meadow Road. I believe this is the next street which goes left. Beaver Meadow Road soon bears north. In 0.4 miles from Main St., go left on Bragg Hill Road. After another 1.4 miles Bragg Hill Road turns right. At the turn Happy Hill Road goes left. Follow this good gravel road 0.6 miles to the end of the maintained section at a gate. There is room for 2-3 cars to park here. There is a large sign telling people not to block the entrance or exit to the trail or to block the turnaround. The green arrow on the attached map shows the trailhead at the end of Happy Hill Road. --- The Tucker Trail is a SIDE TRAIL to the AT. Walk west along the narrow gravel extension of Happy Hill Road. There are no blazes. In a few hundred feet, then look for a blue-blazed wood road to the left. The trail mostly follows an old road. This rises to meet the AT in about 0.8 miles. Here the southbound AT goes straight ahead, the northbound AT goes left. 12/18/20 --- David Cullen ---… --- |
2-3 |
7.90 miles Podunk Road |
See Mile 8.7 for directions to the intersection of Podunk and Tigertown Roads. From this intersection follow Podunk Road south. It curves to the left and goes east. In approximately a mile there is another intersection. Go left staying on Podunk Road. The AT crossing is about a quarter mile further. Some roadside parking is available. Bote: On the attached map, the marker only shows the approximate location of the trail crossing. --- The northbound trail goes east, crossing Podunk Brook. The southbound trail goes west and starts to climb somewhat steeply 12/18/20 --- David Cullen ---… --- |
2-3 |
8.70 miles Junction Podunk/Tigertown Roads |
From the southern end of the section on VT 14 on thee east side of the bridge across the White River, the northbound AT goes north along VT 14 for about 0.3-0.4 miles, then goes right (east) on Tigertown Road. This passes under I-89. On the other side is the interesction of Tigertown and Podunk Roads. This is 0.6-0.7 miles from the bridge. There is a small pull-off on Podunk Road just south of the intersection. This could hold 2-3 cars. See pictures and street view on the attached map. --- From the intersection, the northbound AT, turns right onto Podunk Road then goes left into the woods. Rotate the street view to the northwest to see the northbound trail. Look for a small plank bridge over a ditch. The view to the northeast shows the parking and the southbound route down Tigertown Road to the left.5/14/20 --- David Cullen ---… --- |
2-3 |
9.30 miles West Hartford |
The official southern end of the section is at the intersection of VT 14 and Quechee-West Hartford Road in West Hartford. The latter road crosses a bridge over the the White River just west of the intersection. VT 14 is not directly accessible from I-91 or I-89. I have approached it via Exit 12 off I-91, which I believe is the first exit north of the intersection of I-91 and I-89. Go right (east) from the exit to US 5. Go right (south) of US 5 to the intersection with VT 14. Go right once again on VT 14. West Hartford is 7 miles from this point. Parking along VT 14 is problematic, even for short term. Best parking is at the intersection of Tigertown and Podunk Roads (See Mile 8.7). There are parking pulloffs for a few here. --- From the intersection of VT 14 and Quechee-West Hartford Road, the northbound AT (to section 1) goes north on VT 14. The north view on the street view on the attached map shows the route up VT 14. In 0.3 miles, the trail turns right on Tigertown Road in 0.3-0.4 The southbound AT (to Section 2) goes west on Quechee-West Hartford Road, crossing the bridge. See southwest view. 5/14/20 --- David Cullen ---… --- |
See directions |